Monday, March 4, 2013

International Recycling

Webelo scouts from Troop 235 are busy recycling at the International Festival! THANK YOU, SCOUTS!

Did you know ..... The  Environmental Performance Index (EPI) completed by Yale University found that in green efforts the U.S. ranks only 39th from 163 countries examined?

The EPI rates countries by assigning numeric values for different aspects of environmental policies. Each of 163 countries was graded on a scale of 1 to 100 (with 100 being the highest score). The EPI ranks many European and South American countries higher that the U.S. The EPI takes into account not just recycling, but other factors like purity of drinking water, carbon emissions and disease rates.

2010 EPI Top 10 Countries With Scores (Out of a possible 100)

1. Switzerland, 95.5
2. Sweden, 93.1
3. Norway, 93.1
4. Finland, 91.4
5. Costa Rica, 90.5
6. Austria, 89.4
7. New Zealand, 88.9
8. Latvia, 88.8
9. Colombia, 88.3
10. France, 87.8
Well, we still have quite a way to go to make it into the top 10! Keep up Go-ing Green, kids!!!!

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