Friday, October 31, 2008


I can hardly wait to start using less paper at Clemson Elementary! All the trees we could save from being chopped down! (I do feel very close to all things that start out as SPROUTs!)

Starting November 3rd, all families that signed up for paperless communication will have a few sheets less in their Monday folders. Every Monday, they will recieve an e-mail from the school with school-wide newsletters, fliers attached to it.

Should you have any problems with the e-mails, please contact my friend, Celia ( The smoother we can make this operation run, the more we can save.

Read on (my comments) to see how the system is set up.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Fall Festival

I hope to see you at the Clemson Elementary fall festival. You'll find my banner over the go green table and my picture on the aprons of the go green team (I'm blushing...). Stop by and build along with our cardboard castle project, put a suggestion in the box, or just say hello.
Check out the new links over on the side while you're here...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cafeteria waste

In our environmental audit we identified paper waste and cafeteria waste as the two major sources of concern at Clemson Elementary. Addressing the second, I (Sprout) and my helpers ran a week-long trial recycling activity at the school. We set up recycling for plastic bottles and cans. We helped the kids with learning how to dispose their plastic bottles and cans, and they became masters of it within a week!!! Way to go students! Thanks to the kids, we collected more than 400 pieces of #1 PETEorPET plastic bottles within the week!