Friday, October 23, 2009

Field Trip

Guys, you won't believe the cool fieldtrip I went to with the 3rd grade classes!

We visited the Pickens Transfer Station where I saw what happens with all our trash after it gets picked up. I learned, that if we separate recyclables, they come to this huge transfer station and they get bailed up into giant, compressed cubes, and these recyclables are sold to recycling companies that make new things out of them. Our county earns money with this.

I also saw that everything that we don't put into our recycling bins, is collected here and gets trucked down to Homer, Georgia. We need to take it so far, because we don't have our own lined landfill. (We used to have one, but it filled up and is covered with soil now. Methane gas is still escaping from the decomposing waste, though...) Taking away our unselected trash costs out county 1 million dollars!

See, if we made less trash buy reducing our waste, or reusing some items, or by separating our recyclables, we wouln't need to spend such a big chunk of our county taxes on getting rid of our junk. Do your parents know this?

Click here for more pictures!


Eunice Lehmacher said...

Wow! What a great trip!
I've heard kids aren't letting their parents put plastics and other recyclables in the trash anymore after learning about the costs of shipping trash to Georgia. Wouldn't it be great if all kids in the US could visit a landfill and learn more?

Anonymous said...

There were also 21 4th graders that went along!