Friday, August 26, 2011

ON THE NEWS --Pedestrian-Friendly Bridge To Be Built In Clemson

Did you see the plans? Yesterday, Berkeley Bridge plans were revealed at a meeting in our school. (Read more here.) Even News Channel 4 covered the event! Check it out!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

400+ walked to school!

Huge THANK YOU to everyone who walked to school last Friday!!!! Around 440 people + at least 20 dogs!!! It was fun-fun-fun!

We managed to reduce the number of cars in the carline with 173 cars! Can you imagine how much less exhauste got into the air!

Did you see the walkers' happy, rosy faces? Perhaps it was party due to the morning chill, but surely mainly due to the healthy walk!

The first walkers brave the morning chill:

Rolling backpacks, carrying poster boards, leading dogs - nothing stops us from walking!

Arriving to school walkers are rewarded with sprout stamps

We get to school fresh and happy

See more pictures here!

Monday, May 2, 2011

WALK TO SCHOOL DAY - May 6th, 2011

Come and walk to school again! I'm sure you remember how much fun it was last fall! (Have you seen the pictures yet?) And I'm sure you also remember why it's sooooooooooo good for the environment if people choose to walk instead of to drive. (Need a reminder?)

This year, as in the past, police will help with crossing Berkeley Bridge (in the news, too!). Please tell your friends who drive across the bridge that morning to expect delays.

HAVE YOU HEARD? Soon we could have a safer way to walk to school (read this news article from Dec. 2010)! An alternative crossing path is in the works at our city council!!! Check out the handouts of the public information meeing here! (Feel free to download and print it from the SproutPrint website.) Please express your support and comments to:

See here a short outline of the proposed project:

Monday, April 11, 2011

EARTH DAY 2011 - Celebrate with Sprout!

This year Earth Day will take place during Spring Break. Celebrate with Sprout! You can choose from many activities you can do at home:

-- Check your ecological footprint here!

-- Write a list for yourself about what you can do at home to help the Earth!

-- Watch The Story of Stuff! Discuss it with friends and family!

-- Play our Green Clemson scavenger hunt! Sprout took some photos of green spots in Clemson. Find on the map where the photos were taken! You can see the map and photos here. You can also download and print the map from here.

--Visit the Earth Day Open House at the Geology Museum!

You can find all printable material from Sprout at the SproutPrint page!

Feel free to write me an e-mail about what you've learned! You can also fill out the sheet Sprout left in your Monday Folder. (Have you lost it? Download and print the Sprout Earth Day sheet from here!) If you return that sheet at the front office with your answers and name on it, Sprout will give you a green reward!